while in car..
wat she doing??? rebonding la..
sharon the mummy!! tummy grow bigger and bigger liao..
hwee lin
take zi keng photo while he saying 'FU*K'
ah qiang wear dong mei's spect...

today woke up late.. whent sch late.. 9am lesson, i go on 10am.. haas. when reach ther oredi break tym le.. walk half way to class, pin hwee call me ask me to go canteen[break tym].. then have a drink. after tat they wanna go play soccer.. diaoz... then i follow lor.. the sun is dam sh*t, the weather is dam f*ck... 太阳是免费的,太阳屏命的照!!! onli can wait them play finish then go up class together... haas.. having western food after sch... then go up my aunt house wait for my 'lao bei' cum fetch me go hospital visit my mom.. when i reach ther, my mom woke up le.. then she very weak. can't tok much.. but she say very 辛苦。 she say '很辛苦,很痛,早知道就不要开了。then i 忍不住, heart pain[crying]... stop here. bb ppl..
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